I have agreed to make advance payment which will be determined by Neha Gulati Nursing Bureau based on the days of agreed visit. upon exhausting of advance amount, I have agreed make further payments with in 3 days.
I here by undertake to make payments for the service availed by me from Neha Gulati Nursing Bureau as agreed and I will not insist / ask for further concession / deducation / offers / negotiations etc.
I have declare that I will make payment as agreed and if there is any delay in making payments. Then is at liberty to recover the some along with......% per month interest on the pending amount.
In case of default i payment, Neha Gulati Nursing Bureau is at liberty to recover the same by initiating appropriate Legel Action.
I hereby agree to expect only the services which are mentioned and explained to me.
I or my family members or attendees undertake to treat the designated or authorised staff members representing Neha Gulati Nursing Bureau who whould be visiting our premises with deserving diginity and courtesy.